Hillary got booed yesterday for playing dirty politics when the audience wanted real answers to the problems of this nation. Undaunted, she kept her one-liners going, even as the audience kept up their negative response. At a forum on manufacturing attended by members of the steelworkers union here, Clinton's comment that "many of you like me were disappointed by recent remarks he made," was met by loud shouts of "No!" When she suggested Pennsylvanians might find Obama's remarks "offensive," again there were loud cries of "No!" Perhaps that's all she's got: spreading the dirt.
YahooNews reports:
WASHINGTON - After days on the campaign defensive, Democrat Barack Obama accused rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday of leveling criticism straight from the Republican playbook and said even so, he will win the White House over John McCain and an "out of touch" GOP. "She's been deploying most of the arguments that the Republican Party will be using against me in November."
You have to wonder if the American electorate wants more of this nit-picking nonsense rather than addressing the frightening array of ugly issues facing our nation. Is it all media hype to sell the story to their audiences? Are the voters once again going to be ill-served by the media who would rather sell a product rather than inform and educate the public?
Of course, we must realize that the media is all about making money- packaging the product to sell to the audience. It reminds me of the package that they helped sell us back in early 2003- the Shock 'n Awe package with awesome live video of the glorious beginning of the bush-Cheney War.