Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Photos

Here are some of the photos that I took on Inauguration Day with minimum commentary.

My oldest grandson and my daughter about to board the train from Frederick, MD to D.C.

The crowd entering Union Station about 8 AM from the Amtrak trains .

Some of the two million visitors walking towards The Mall about 9 AM.

The crowd gathers at the base of the Washington Monument. This man had a flag autographed with the names of his friends.

The Washington Monument site fills up as a bright and warming sun shines down on the historic site.

The bitter cold could not keep the smiles off of the faces of the eager crowd.

Silence fell over the assembled masses as the Oath of Office was taken.

People lingered atop the Washington Monument after the ceremony, discussing the historic moment they had witnessed.

The Smithsonian Museums opened its doors for the weary visitors to relax.

Late in the afternoon we made our way to the front of the Capitol.

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