This line is from an article, If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom, I’m The Queen of England by David Michael Green on his blog, The Regressive Antidote.
Back to, "If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who fought against the American Revolution?" Yeh, why! After all, it was the colonialists known as Torries who supported the King; today they are called conservative Republicans.
Don't you wonder what their 'spin' was? How did they spin the 'joy' of living under a monarhy? Too bad they didn't have Karl Rove back then.
Green also asks, "If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come they’re the ones who are always trying to take that freedom away from us, especially women and minorities? Why did they fight against the effort to end slavery, or to give women and minorities the vote, or to protect them from discrimination? Why are they still supporting efforts to disenfranchise minorities?"
Green, in fact has a long list of questions beginning with, If conservatism is the ideology of freedom, how come...
• how come they’re the ones who bitterly opposed the New Deal
• how come they’re the ones who are always propping up foreign dictators, like Saddam, Musharraf, Mubarak, Marcos, Pinochet, the Shah, Batista, the House of Saud and apartheid South Africa?
• how come they’re the ones who are always trying to control other people’s sexuality?
• how come they’re the ones who are always trying to make sure that the state takes control of women’s bodies
• how come they’re the ones who are always trying to tell us who we can marry?
• how come they’re the ones who are always blocking the environmental regulations?
• how come they’re the ones who refuse to allow us to die with dignity?
• how come they’re the ones who are so anxious to take away our civil liberties?
He ends with this: So whattaya think? Ain’t conservative freedom great?
Next time you hear a conservative ranting about the wonder and joys of freedom, tell them: “Yeah, no kidding, freedom is a really good thing. You’d like it even better if you actually tried it out some time”.
A Major Discussion of the Virgin Birth of Jesus!
17 hours ago