"We have to make tax cuts permanent," he said. "We have to lower your taxes, not raise your taxes. Especially in challenging economic times, [we need] to save more of your money for you to spend and not send it to Washington to spend for you."
That was yesterday in Rocky River, Ohio, a western suburb of Cleveland. "We will fix these problems. America has never faced a challenge we haven't been able to overcome."
The 'problems' to which he refers are home foreclosures and loss of manufacturing jobs. Odd, isn't it, that to solve these problems, we will have to make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent. I wonder if anybody in the audience actually believed that their job, their home would be more secure by making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent.
"to save more of your money for you to spend and not send it to Washington to spend for you." he said. Which military-industrial-complex spending bill did he NOT vote for? How many billions of 'your money' did John McCain authorize to be spent? Did the folks in Rocky Ridge believe that John McCain was NOT in Washington spending their tax dollars? He's been there 25 years spending the people's money. In Washington. Your tax dollars.
Duping the people, pretending that he is not a Washington insider. Sorry, John, most of us can see right through you- Mr. Cellophane Man.