Saturday, January 3, 2009

Toledo Rally Against Israel Bombings

The Blade writer David Yonke posted this story in today's edition:

Several hundred people opposed to the fighting in Gaza yesterday rallied outside the Lucas County Courthouse, flashing peace placards and shouting anti-war chants.Displaying signs with slogans such as "Stop the War," and "Gaza Will Never Die," protesters marched peacefully around the courthouse two times and listened to brief speeches delivered from the steps of the building's President William McKinley monument.

Toledo has an active peace movementt and often sets up demonstrations to shed light on injustices and war mongering.  Amjad Doumani was one of the organizers and he has been very active in the peace movement in Toledo.  He was especially active during the run-up to the Bush War on Iraq and organized many rallies at intersections throughout the city.  My wife and I were part of those rallies and were the victims of many insults hurled at us by passers-by.  Apparently those drivers were blinded by the Bush-Cheney propaganda as well as
misdirected Patriotism.

The followin
g statement does not ring true to me from my experiences in late 2002 and early 2003: "I don't know many people that are pro-war," Mr. Hasabelnaby said. "But it's hard to even call it war because one side has jets and missiles and tanks while the other side has almost nothing." The fact that he is only 24 might explain the naivete of his statement.

It is interesting to note the silence of the leaders of the world during this bombing by Israel, although there are massive demonstrations all over the world. Does Israel get a pass from all of the leaders of the world?  It confuses me.

note:  The Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition will hold a peace rally on Sunday at the corner of Central and Secor at noon.  [map]


This demonstration took place at the Lucas County Courthouse which, during Holy Week last year, was the site of Arlington West, a display of the 4000 wooden tombstones honoring the fallen Veterans of the Bush War.  I wrote about it HERE

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