Friday, February 20, 2009
The GOP as Gangbangers
Four, count them, four brave Republican legislators in the past week spurned their peers and voted their conscience rather than their gang. No doubt their names are dirtier than mud these days on right-wing radio. Three GOP Senators, Collins, Snowe, and Specter along with California legislator Abel Maldonado bucked their GOP gangbangers.
I wonder what adjectives have bounced around the right-wing echo chamber since they bravely moved out of their party's ideological mode? Traitor, for sure. Coward, double-crosser, betrayer, and surely un-American.
Today's GOP is not unlike an urban gang, although they could never see themselves as such- which is one of the core delineators of gang-think. Then there is the 'code' to which all must adhere: 'vote no!' Thirdly, there is the sign, the tattoo, the symbol: flag pin!
Whoa! There you have it: Republican gangbangers. Pity the four who broke with their gang. Were this an urban gang, they'd be hunted down like dogs and killed. Rather, the leaders of this gang, like pussies, will sit behind their microphones and whine and drone on about these mush wimps.
It's always fun, a giggle-hoot on the right-side of life.