Friday, March 13, 2009

Creationism Gibberish as Science

Fossil Equidae: a monobaraminic, stratomorphic series
Cavanaugh, DP; Wood, TC; Wise, KP. 2003


We performed a baraminological analysis on nineteen fossil equid species using a morphological dataset obtained from the published literature. From a baraminic distance correlation analysis, we found evidence that all nineteen species belong to a single monobaramin. The 3D ANOPA distribution revealed a linear trajectory of equid species with sixteen species in the main axis and three species in a side-branch. The order of species in the ANOPA trajectory closely corresponds to the order of stratigraphic appearance, indicating that the fossil equids form a true stratomorphic series. We interpret the strata as post-Flood, concluding that the equid fossil record evidences a rapid, post-Flood, intrabaraminic diversification.

Translation- the creationist 'scientists' who presented this article to the Fifth International Conference on Creationism, Creation Science Fellowship, Pittsburgh in 2003 have 'proved' that horses can swim.

Well, not only that, but, to be fair to the 'research,' it proves that the horse may not have lived 54 million years ago because, the earth is only 6,000 years old as the Bible says.

Those odd words in the abstract, monobaraninicbaraminological, and baraminic  may have been strange to your eyes. On-line dictionaries give a 'can't find' message when the word is toggled. However, Wikipedia gives us some help:  Baraminology is a creationist system for classifying life into groups not related by common ancestry, called "baramins". Its methodology is founded on a literal creationist reading of "kinds" in Genesis, especially a distinction between humans and other animals.

Well, that clears the air of any 'science' that the reader was hoping to discover.

Perhaps the 'flood story' helps us understand how the tapir, another of the odd-toed ungulates in the 'horse' family, is found in the rain forests of Brazil. Apparently it was an excellent swimmer, not unlike Michael Phelps.

That darned 'flood story' in the Bible seems to mess up lots of  'science' facts.  We know that it 'covered the whole earth.' As Genesis details:  The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. Perhaps the Brazilian tapir clung to a log on its 10,000 mile trip from Israel to Brazil, one hell of a ride.

But no, because everything was wiped out.  Thus the swim.  I wonder if the biblical tapir was more slender in 'those days' because it sure doesn't look like an olympic gold metal swimmer these days.

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