Thursday, August 20, 2009
WSPD Radio- Goof-Ball Paradise
Right-wing hate radio in Toledo, WSPD, gave out the private cell phone number of a Democratic candidate for Toledo mayor yesterday. Surprise, surprise, its goof-ball listeners called the number spewing hate, profanity and threats at the candidate. Not only that, but one of the dittohead listeners personally confronted the candidate at the elevator near the office of candidate Ben Konop and had a knife on his belt."He was yelling at me - to the best of my recollection - 'Why don't you go on WSPD?" said Ben Konop.
As a result, the Sheriff's Deptartment has ordered a deputy to accompany Mr. Konop. The Blade reports:
Brian Wilson, WSPD's program director and host of a drive-time talk show, broadcast Mr. Konop's personal cell phone number during his program Tuesday.
"As far as I know, he urged his listeners to call me and yell at me for not going on his shows," Mr. Konop said.
Right-wing extremist nuts! Agitated by hate-radio. Is this where America has fallen to? We are moving backwards rather than progressing as a society. Only in America, it seems, does society regress rather than progress. How sad.